Our Elementary Program combines our “Identify Through Dance” Curriculum, the Recipe for Success and Elementary Schooling to provide students who participate with a well-rounded learning experience. Classes are not only fun, but stimulate the child’s development and learning habits.
Elementary Program Expectations- These classes require a more progressive syllabus than that of the Preschool Program. The program encourages each participant the artistic freedom to express themselves through dance. Children in these classes should be taken through a structured class including warm ups, across the floor, and a choreographed dance. Warm ups should include Vocabulary where children read, write and spell the dance terminology of the genre they are learning. A new vocabulary word should be explored every week. Children are also asked to read a dance book related to their dance genre as well as write a book report due by the end of the session. This is required to receive their graduation certificate handed out at the end of the session. These classes require a more progressive syllabus than that of the Preschool Program.
Elementary Program Goals
The goals of the Elementary Program are based on the Colorado Standards for Dance. We ensure that these goals are met at the end of every session by training our Educators on these principles, conducting random teacher observations, and conducting end of session quality assurance tests.
- Students at the end of the Session should be able to perform beginning to intermediate dance moves for mastery. As well as understand the terminology and meaning of each dance move.
- Students should be able to dance with and to rhymes and move properly through space.
- Students should understand the class flow and how it relates to progressive movements.
- Students should have successfully completed a book report and presentation to gain extra knowledge on their dance genre.
- Students should learn a new cognitive lesson each week to help them in their school work. They should be able to determine how dance relates to other arts, and other ideas not related to the arts. They should be able to use dance to problem solve.
- Students should be able to understand how their dance genre was started, the history and be able to compare and contrast their genre with others.
- Students should display an increase in determination, focus, motivation, and memorization throughout the session. They should know how to set goals and should show an increased desire to accomplish their goals.
- Parents participating in the Family Engagement Program should see a difference in their child’s performance in school.
- During the graduation, students should display a sound knowledge in dance movements. They should have mastered the basics and have memorized their routine. The graduation should also include improv or student choreographed sections to allow for artistic expression. The Graduation should include costumes, sets and makeup. It is a recital, not just a class!
Family Engagement Program Identity Dance, LLC Family Engagement Program was developed to encourage parents and guardians to stay involved with their child’s “Dance to Learn!” progress through weekly suggested dance activities that parents could perform at home with their tiny dancers! Dance Educator’s suggest at home dance activities for parents to do each week after the child’s dance classes to help the children with their Motor Skills as well as Cognitive, Social and Language Development. This program is also great for the older adolescents who may be struggling to stay in school. The Family Engagement Program is included in every Program at no additional charge to the parents!
Elementary Aged At this age, encouraging your child to read, helping with homework, and managing housework and other at home activities has a huge impact on your Elementary student. Identity Dance, LLC Family Engagement Program will help you with this process by suggesting dance related reading materials for your child, suggested activities to help you boost your child’s confidence at this age, as well as activities that will motivate them to continue to do well in school.